Confidential — TryHackMe Walkthrough
We got our hands on a confidential case file from some self-declared “black hat hackers”… it looks like they have a secret invite code.
Task 1 Confidential
We got our hands on a confidential case file from some self-declared “black hat hackers”… it looks like they have a secret invite code available within a QR code, but it’s covered by some image in this PDF! If we want to thwart whatever it is they are planning, we need your help to uncover what that QR code says!
Access this challenge by deploying the machine attached to this task by pressing the green “Start Machine” button. This machine shows in Split View in your browser, if it doesn’t automatically display you may need to click “Show Split View” in the top right.
The file you need is located in /home/ubuntu/confidential on the VM.
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Answer the questions below
Uncover and scan the QR code to retrieve the flag!
we see that the vm opens up to some pdf file
i have no idea what this means
i guess we could break apart the pieces of the pdf file and get this qr part out maybe?
or we can try to save the image with a simple right click i guess lol
dont ask me why i chose png as the image format, just a hunch
i guess this error is a normal thing, and looks like i kind of saved the wrong image, lets try again :D
I don't know why but I’m going to try to open this pdf with LibreOffice Draw, its like the opensource variant of Microsoft office, so lets try something with this
just push that “I don't know what happened” sign out of the way, or even better just delete it, zoom the QR and save that separately, I’m too lazy to type about cropping images and right clicking and saving blah blah blah
below image is self explanatory :)
sleepy me just zoomed the file, took a screenshot and saved in my host and used the host browser to goto :
upload your QR screenshot to the above site (or any other site that lets you upload an image?) :
I have this feeling that this ctf was not meant to be completed like this, but oh well ;)